
Safe Partying Policy

Theta Project is all about creating the ultimate safe space for truly unforgettable parties. From day one, we’ve been passionate about providing a space where the LGBTQIA+ community can let loose, connect, and keep each other safer, by working with venues, security, and training our staff.

Respect and consent

Respect and consent play a major part in creating a safe, friendly and inclusive party environment. Theta Project does not tolerate any kind of behaviour that takes away from other people’s ability to enjoy our events. This includes racist, transphobic, homophobic, sexist, ableist, and ageist abuse and sexual harassment. Behaviour that makes people feel unsafe or uncomfortable is not welcome at any of our events, and perpetrators will be removed from events and possibly banned from attending future events.

Pressuring or forcing someone into sexual activity—or touching someone intimately—without their consent is either rape or sexual assault, as is having sex with someone who lacks the ability to give consent because they’ve had too much alcohol or drugs. Our friends at Burnett Foundation Aotearoa have some great in-depth information about consent, through a LGBTQIA+ lens.

If you are feeling unsafe in any situation, or witness abusive behaviour, we ask you to please reach out to venue staff, our events team, or security team, all of whom are briefed in on our event policies.

No re-entry

We have recently implemented a strict no-reentry policy which has seen a dramatic reduction in the number of intoxication issues, by preventing partygoers from leaving the event—where trained bar staff are able to gauge intoxication levels before serving alcohol—to consume alcohol and/or drugs.

Our event team

Our team is always available to handle any issues, big or small. If someone’s bothering you or you’re feeling uncomfortable, just look for anyone wearing our logo T-shirt – they’ll be happy to assist discreetly. You’ll always find us at the door, coat check, and roving around the party. We also work closely with venue management and security to ensure they’re aligned with our values. Your safety and comfort are our top priorities because creating a truly safe party is what we do best.